Podiatrist Adelaide: Podiatry Clinic – North Adelaide

We believe that healthy feet are the foundation of a healthier you. When your feet work at their best, you can be active, fit and happier.

William provides the Adelaide community with a specialised world-class treatment and prevention facility for specific foot and leg injuries within the financial reach of most South Australians. For more podiatrist clinic in Adelaide, click here.

What to Expect

podiatrist clinic in AdelaideUsually, you don’t need a referral from your doctor to see a podiatrist. You can make an appointment by calling a clinic and selecting a practitioner and time. You can also book online with many clinics.

A podiatrist can help you with several foot problems, including bunions and ingrown toenails. Ill-fitting shoes, friction and pressure cause these. They can cause pain and lead to infections.

A podiatrist can help with shin splints, which result from the muscles in your lower legs tightening and working overtime as you walk or run. They can prescribe custom orthotics that will support your feet and correct how you stand or walk.

They can also diagnose and treat corns, calluses and other foot issues. This can help you get back to the activities you love. Matthew keeps himself fit by strength training, going on bushwalks and playing soccer and drums with his Golden Retriever. He understands the importance of being active and healthy, so he aims to do his best to help his patients stay as active as possible and pain-free!


Regular podiatry care will keep your feet healthy and reduce the likelihood of injuries, pain and discomfort. Whether you have a foot injury or want to prevent issues like bunions, hammertoes or warts, podiatrists are the best professionals for maintaining your feet. For more podiatrist clinic in Adelaide, click here.

Our podiatrists have completed tertiary qualifications that involve years of study focussed on the foot and lower leg. They specialise in treating lower extremity problems, including musculoskeletal conditions, assessing and fitting custom orthotics, sports injuries and diabetic foot assessments & and care.

If you are a Veteran, have a Chronic Disease Management Plan from your doctor or are a Health Service Card Holder (HTC), your podiatry consultations may be bulk-billed for in-clinic and home visit services. Contact the clinic to see if you are eligible. This includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


The North Adelaide Podiatry Clinic team uses various treatment methods, including dry needling, foot and leg strengthening and orthotic therapy. They can also offer ESWT (extracorporeal shock wave therapy), a non-invasive and clinically effective method of treating heel pain.

Each person’s feet are unique and require specialised assessment and treatment. This is why the podiatry team at Podiatry Care are specialists in foot biomechanics, foot and ankle injuries, nail surgery, nail conditions and children’s problems. They can also provide expert orthotic fitting and assess and care for patients with diabetes, arthritis and chronic medical conditions such as osteoporosis.

Ella loves the challenge of helping her clients prioritise their health, whether taking their dogs for a walk or running up the hills. She enjoys the diversity of all areas in podiatry but is particularly passionate about managing lower limb sports injuries. For more podiatrist clinic in Adelaide, click here.


Podiatrists are highly skilled in the early diagnosis and management of foot ulcers (which account for about 28% of all lower limb amputations in people with diabetes). They also treat other foot and ankle conditions, including osteoarthritis, soft-tissue injuries and neuropathologies.

Your podiatrist will examine your foot and lower leg, including your ankle. They will also take photographs and use other diagnostic tools. They may also recommend other healthcare professionals and procedures to help with your care.

Among the common problems podiatrists treat are ingrown toenails, usually from wearing tight shoes with pointed heels. They can be treated by numbing the toe and removing the offending portion of the nail. They may also use acid to prevent it from growing back again. A podiatrist may also recommend orthotics to reduce the uneven distribution of forces on your feet and lower legs while you walk or stand. These shoe inserts are designed to fit into your shoes and can significantly improve your walking and standing.

Clinical Pilates Adelaide: Pregnancy Clinical Pilates

Pregnancy Clinical Pilates strengthens your deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, helping to reduce pain and discomfort. It also prepares your body for childbirth and helps with a quicker recovery post-baby.

It is important to note that exercise is safe for all pregnant women and, in most cases, can be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle. However, checking with your doctor before commencing any workout routines is always best. For more pregnancy clinical pilates Adelaide, check this out.

Improved Posture

clinical pilates AdelaidePregnancy can have a significant impact on your posture as the baby grows. It can cause you to lean forward, impacting the deep abdominal and back muscles that are key to good posture, balance and strength.

Pilates helps to improve your posture and strengthens the core and pelvic floor muscles. It also teaches you how to move more efficiently, which can help reduce pain from aches and stretches.

During pregnancy, many women can experience pain in the pubic symphysis, sacroiliac joint or pelvic girdle. These issues result from hormone changes that relax the joints and soften the ligaments in preparation for childbirth.

Clinical Pilates can alleviate these issues and is a safe exercise for pregnant women. However, certain positions, like lying on the back (supine position), may need to be avoided to maintain adequate blood flow to the baby. It is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Strengthening Abdominal and Pelvic Muscles

During pregnancy, your body secretes a hormone that makes the joints in your pelvis and lower back more flexible to prepare for childbirth. It makes these joints more susceptible to injury if not properly supported. Clinical Pilates can strengthen these core muscles, reducing the risk of back or pelvic pain.

Intense, deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles are also important in preventing urinary leakage (incontinence) during pregnancy and for many women for years after childbirth.

Our Women’s Health Exercise Physiologists can teach you safe exercises to strengthen these core muscles and reduce your risk of incontinence. It can be particularly helpful if you have had a Cesarean section or have experienced stress incontinence after pregnancy.

Reduced Risk of Back or Pelvic Pain

As pregnancy progresses, the musculoskeletal system will become strained due to increased pressure on the abdominal and pelvic muscles. Clinical Pilates focuses on strengthening these muscles and improving their flexibility, reducing the risk of back or pelvic pain.

One study found that women who participated in Pilates had a lower rate of unnecessary Cesarean sections than those who didn’t. It is likely because Pilates increases pelvic floor strength and reduces sacroiliac joint and pelvic girdle pain. However, avoiding exercises requiring standing on one leg or shifting body weight from one side to another is essential as this can increase discomfort. For more pregnancy clinical pilates Adelaide, check this out.

Postnatal Recovery

Pregnancy can be harsh on the body. Physio-led Clinical Pilates is a safe exercise to help you recover after pregnancy and return to normal activities.

Postnatal Pilates focuses on the core muscles important for stabilisation and pelvic support after a baby. Strengthening these muscles can reduce back and hip pain and improve posture.

Clinical Pilates also strengthens the muscles, stabilising your torso and pelvis, including the transverse abdominis (the deep abdominal muscle forming a corset around your waist). Research shows these exercises reduce the risk of low Apgar scores following birth.

Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise that strengthens the trunk muscles and prepares the body for labour and recovery after birth. Studies have shown that it increases core strength and decreases lower back and pelvic pain. It can also improve the function of the hip joint and reduce lumbar muscle stiffness. It can also improve posture and balance, as well as prevent the occurrence of urinary incontinence due to weakened pelvic floor muscles.

Orthotics Adelaide: The Benefits of Orthotics

From running to walking, our feet play an important role in keeping us active and on the move. However, many of us don’t take proper care of our feet until they start causing us pain. This is where orthotics come in – a simple solution with numerous benefits that can transform the way we feel about our feet. Whether you’re someone who experiences foot discomfort or is simply interested in improving your overall health and well-being, this article is for you. We will explore the ins and outs of the best orthotics Adelaide and how they can positively impact your daily life.

orthotics AdelaideYour feet are the foundation of your body, and it’s crucial to give them the care they need. Orthotics is a medical specialty that designs and creates custom-made inserts to provide support and alleviate pain and discomfort in your feet. When your feet are not properly supported, this can lead to various conditions, such as plantar fasciitis, bunions, or even lower back pain. Orthotics is an excellent solution for individuals who suffer from foot-related conditions or simply want to maintain good foot health. Investing in a pair of orthotics can help improve your overall quality of life and keep you comfortable and pain-free.

Our feet are often overlooked, yet they support our body weight and carry us everywhere. Unfortunately, common foot issues like flat feet, plantar fasciitis, and bunions can cause discomfort and even pain. Thankfully, orthotics can alleviate these problems and improve our overall foot health. Flat feet, in which the arch is lower than normal, can be corrected with orthotics that provide extra support to the arch. Plantar fasciitis, inflammation of the tissue on the bottom of the foot, can be eased with orthotics that cushion and distribute pressure more evenly. And for bunions, orthotics can help redistribute pressure away from the affected area, reducing pain and preventing further deformity. With the proper use of orthotics, anyone can improve their foot health and experience increased comfort and mobility.

Investing in the best orthotics Adelaide for your feet might seem like an unnecessary expense at first, but it can actually be very cost-effective in the long run. Custom-made orthotics are designed specifically for your individual needs and can address a wide range of foot issues, from flat feet to plantar fasciitis. By properly aligning your feet and reducing pressure on certain areas, orthotics can improve your overall foot health and stop the development of more serious problems down the line. While the initial cost may be higher than buying off-the-shelf solutions, custom orthotics offer superior comfort and durability, so you won’t have to replace them as often.

Orthotics are not just for people with foot problems. In fact, athletes and those with physically demanding jobs can also benefit from wearing orthotics. Whether you are a runner or a construction worker, orthotics can improve your performance and reduce your risk of injury. Athletes, for example, can benefit from orthotics by correcting imbalances and improving their stability and alignment, leading to better technique and power output. Similarly, people with physically demanding jobs can benefit from orthotics by reducing the stress on their joints and improving their comfort while standing or walking for long periods.

Orthotics are a wonderful tool to help alleviate foot, knee, and back pain. However, to get the most benefit from them, it is important to take good care of them. Proper maintenance will ensure that they stay effective for as long as possible. The first step in maintaining your orthotics is to keep them spotless. Clean them down with a damp cloth regularly to prevent a build-up of dirt, sweat, or bacteria. It is also important to wear them properly. Make sure they fit snugly and securely in your shoes to prevent any unnecessary wear and tear.

The benefits of incorporating orthotics into your daily routine are numerous and cannot be overlooked. Not only do orthotics help alleviate foot pain, but they can also recover your overall posture and balance. The best orthotics Adelaide is specifically designed to address individual needs, providing customized solutions for various foot conditions. Whether you are an athlete, a runner, or simply someone who wants to improve their foot health, incorporating orthotics into your daily life can make a significant difference. Taking care of your feet and correcting any imbalances can reduce your risk of injury. Don’t wait to experience the benefits of orthotics; invest in the best options for you and feel the difference they can make.

Mobility Scooters: Mobility Scooters – Why Go Lightweight?

A mobility scooter can give you freedom and independence and allow you to carry on with your daily life. But it would be best if you chose a model that is lightweight and easy to transport.

Many lightweight mobility scooters can fold or come apart easily to fit into a boot or storage area. It makes them ideal for travelling on public transport or to take on vacation.

lightweight mobility scootersPortability

A portable mobility scooter allows individuals with physical disabilities to regain their independence and live an active lifestyle. These devices allow them to move around their homes and neighbourhoods, run errands, visit friends, and go on vacation. This freedom increases self-confidence and overall well-being.

Lightweight scooters are also easy to transport. They can be easily fitted in a car trunk or storage space and are perfect for people who travel frequently. Moreover, they are durable and rust-free. They also feature a plastic cabin below the seat, which protects the battery from moisture.

Lightweight scooters are also ideal for holiday trips. They can be dismantled or folded to fit in a car, on public transport, or on a cruise ship. However, it’s important to choose a lightweight model that doesn’t compromise on durability or power. Also, make sure to perform routine maintenance and keep the batteries fully charged before taking your scooter on holiday.


A good lightweight scooter should have a mechanism for folding or dismantling. Many models have a lever or push-button system that allows the scooter to collapse with little physical effort. They are also compact enough to be lifted over one or two stairs and can fit into the boot of a car or the trunk of a bus.


Lightweight scooters are designed to be compact and easily maneuverable, making them perfect for everyday use or travel. They can be folded to fit in the trunk of a car, on public transportation or even on aeroplanes. They also typically have a smaller turning radius, making it easier to navigate around obstacles and tight spaces.

The stability of a mobility scooter depends on its size and weight, as well as its power and battery type. For example, a larger, heavier model will have more stability and be able to drive at higher speeds. It is also important to consider the type of tires, as pneumatic (filled with air) tires are more stable than solid ones.

Regardless of the type of mobility scooter you choose, many accessories can enhance your experience and improve safety. You can purchase a protective cover for your scooter, a flight battery that meets airline regulations, headlights, and adjustable armrests to make it more comfortable. There is a mobility scooter out there that is right for you, so be sure to research your options and find one that suits your lifestyle needs.

Battery life

Lightweight scooters often come with a lithium battery that offers a longer lifespan than a traditional lead-acid option. However, the lifespan can be impacted by various factors, including usage and storage practices. It’s important to stick to regular charging schedules and never let the battery run down completely.

Another factor is the environment in which you use your scooter. Riding over rough terrains or extreme weather conditions can put extra strain on the battery and reduce its lifespan.

When using your lightweight mobility scooters, be sure to drive at a low to moderate speed. Driving at high speeds uses up a lot more energy and will drain the battery faster than slow, steady driving. Finally, storing your scooter in an area that’s not exposed to excessive heat or cold will help to keep it in good condition. It will also prolong its battery life. That is especially true for lithium batteries, which will last longer when they’re properly cared for. These simple steps can add up to a longer battery lifespan and give you more mobility freedom for years to come. Mobility scooters can undeniably help our loved ones with mobility issues have a more comfortable life. Thus, it is only practical to invest in one now!

Hearing Aids Adelaide: Hearing Aids Adelaide Maintenance Tips

Keeping your hearing aids in tip-top condition will ensure they always work for you. Follow these simple care and maintenance tips to get the most out of your investment.

hearing aids Adelaide maintenance tipsEnsure your hearing aids are dry before putting them back together. You can use a little kit that contains desiccant or an electronic device that heats them to evaporate the moisture. For more hearing aids Adelaide maintenance tips, check this out.

Dry Your Hearing Aids

Moisture is your hearing aid’s worst enemy. It’s virtually impossible to avoid and can damage your hearing aids if you don’t dry them properly. Humidity causes condensation, which can affect the delicate electrical components inside your device.

Immediately remove your hearing aids from your ears if you get them wet, and wipe them down with a cloth, especially in the battery compartment. Try to dry out as much water as possible, but don’t use salt or sand because it can cause corrosion.

Avoid getting your hearing aids wet by removing them before showering, swimming, working up a sweat at the gym or applying aftershave, hair spray, perfume and sunscreen. Make sure you also take them out before using a hair dryer. You can also purchase a hearing aid drying box or electronic device to dry and sterilise your devices in storage. They retail between 100 and 150 dollars and are well worth the investment to ensure your hearing aids last longer.

Clean Your Tubes

The tubes that connect your hearing aids to your ear or ears spend all day in places where earwax, sweat and oils gather, making them the perfect place for dirt and debris to collect. Regular cleaning will help them last longer and stay in better condition.

Your audiologist should provide thin cleaning tools that look like a wire you can send through your tube to clean out any wax, dirt or other debris. These are especially useful if you have the slim tubing that goes with behind-the-ear (BTE) models or the thicker tubes with some RIC styles.

If you have a BTE style, gently remove the plastic tubing from your earhook and wash it with your earmold or mould in warm soapy water. Be sure to thoroughly dry the ear mould and mould before reattaching it to the hearing aid. Then, you’re ready to wear them again! If you have a snap-on style, push the tubing back onto the base, ensuring it sits flush with the hearing aid body.

Change Your Batteries

The best way to prolong the life of a hearing aid battery is by changing it regularly. Most hearing aids come with a small container of replacement batteries and can also be purchased from most pharmacies. You will hear two beeps when it’s time to change your batteries. These beeps will continue to repeat intermittently until the battery runs out.

When removing the new battery, please keep your hands clean so that dirt and grease do not damage it. It would be best if you also waited a minute before inserting the battery to give it time to activate with air.

It would be best if you stored your hearing aids with the battery compartment open when they’re not in use. It will prevent them from draining and causing them to lose power. It is essential to store them safely away from children and pets, as batteries can be dangerous if swallowed. It’s best to keep them somewhere dry, such as a sock drawer or jewellery box.

Clean the Microphone Ports

The microphones in your hearing aids pick up sounds from your environment, amplify them and deliver them to your ears. They can be impacted by debris such as dust, wax and cosmetics, preventing them from working effectively.

Start by brushing over the microphone ports with the special brush provided in your kit. Always brush downwards so that any loose wax or dirt falls out of the device rather than staying inside. Next, use the small wax loop or hook on the end of your multi-tool to remove any earwax stuck in the mic port.

Plastic Jars Wholesaler NZ: Why Choose a Plastic Bottles Wholesaler New Zealand Shop?

We offer a comprehensive range of plastic bottles and glass jars. Whether you need a glass Boston round, a plastic cylinder, a wide-mouth packer, or a cosmetic jar, you can find them all in our online catalogue.

These jars are also shatterproof, making them safer for your employees during production and shipping. They also require less gas and resources to ship worldwide, which is good news for businesses and the environment. For more information about the plastic jars wholesaler NZ shop, click here.


plastic jars wholesaler NZPlastic jars are much lighter than glass, which makes them easier to transport and move around on production lines. This reduces worker injuries and ensures your products reach the right customers without disruptions. They are also less expensive to ship internationally, requiring less energy and resources.

These containers are strong enough to withstand sudden temperature shifts and other environmental factors that could damage traditional glass packaging. They are also shatterproof, making them less likely to break on a production line or during shipping and handling.

They are available in various sizes, materials, and cap styles to suit all your products and budgets. The J055CL is a 4 oz clear PET plastic single wall jar with a 58-400 neck finish. It will fit closures with that same finish. For more information about the plastic jars wholesaler NZ shop, click here.


Plastic jars are less likely to break on production lines or during shipping, which reduces the risk of injuries and downtime. They also deflect sun rays, which protect the contents from damage. This is an excellent feature for jars containing food or other ingredients that must be kept fresh for long periods.

Additionally, plastic jars are lighter than glass jars, saving shipping costs and using less energy to produce and ship them. This is a good feature for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint and implement sustainable business practices. Plastic jars are also recyclable, which helps the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and saving energy. On the other hand, glass requires a lot of energy and resources to manufacture and ship.


Plastic jars are more durable than their glass counterparts, making them safer to transport and store. They’re less likely to break during shipping or on production lines, which can save your business money and prevent workplace injuries. Additionally, they require less energy to transport, so they’re better for the environment.

Unlike glass, plastic is recyclable. However, glass recycling requires the mining of silica sand for each batch, which is an environmental problem. This is because the silica sand releases potent greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Furthermore, most glass is recycled into road filling, which can also be problematic. MJ Wholesale offers a range of reusable, shatterproof jars for your flower packaging. They come in various sizes, materials, and cap styles to match your product and create an airtight seal. For more information about the plastic jars wholesaler NZ shop, click here.

Easy to stack

Plastic jars can be stacked in bulk for easy storage and transport. This is an excellent feature for businesses looking to save space and money. They also offer a great opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality and are available in various shapes, sizes and colours.

They are also less likely to break during production or transit than glass containers. This helps protect employees, prevent injuries, and reduce production downtime.

Our range of bulk plastic jars wholesaler New Zealand shop includes everything from cosmetic jars to wide-mouth packers, cylinders, and even jerry cans. We stock a variety of lids for an airtight seal and tamper-evident options for safety and security. We also have a range of drum wrenches and spanners to make removing and tightening your caps easier.


Plastic jars are recyclable and easy to handle. They do not break during production or shipping, unlike glass, which can cause health hazards for workers and slow down production lines. This characteristic makes them an excellent choice for companies that want to minimize their environmental impact and implement environmentally friendly practices.

The market for plastic jars is growing as consumers demand more convenience in packaging. Manufacturers offer unique shapes, colours, and textures to appeal to this trend. Some designs also include tamper-evident seals to protect products from contamination during shipping and handling.

Port Adelaide Dentist: Port Adelaide Family Dentist

Port Adelaide family dentists are professionally skilled in cleaning teeth, detecting gum diseases and keeping bad oral habits in check. Regular dental check-ups are recommended to maintain optimal oral health and ensure healthy teeth.

Dr Saumya Rana, from Pro Dental, Kidman Park, is an avid Port Adelaide supporter and has recently become their official Club Dentist. It will see her providing emergency and routine dental care to players on and off the field. For more information about the Port Adelaide family dentist, click here.

Dental Hygiene

Port Adelaide dentistGood oral health allows people to enjoy a lifetime of beautiful smiles. It also contributes to a healthy body by reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It’s important to brush and floss your teeth daily to remove plaque, a colourless film of bacteria that irritates gums and can lead to tooth decay.

Dental hygienists perform preventative procedures to protect patients from tooth decay and other oral conditions. These services include removing stains and plaque from teeth, placing dental sealants on deep pits and grooves to prevent bacteria from collecting in these areas, and applying professional fluoride treatments to strengthen and harden teeth. Hygienists also assess their patient’s health and work closely with dentists to provide overall patient care.

Dental Anxiety

Dental fear and anxiety are common problems for many people. People who experience these emotions may avoid seeing their dentist, leading to more severe issues and a cycle of stress and anxiety. For more information about the Port Adelaide family dentist, click here.

A variety of things can trigger dental anxiety. It includes seeing a dentist’s chair, needles and drills, or the smell of a dental office. Some mental health conditions, such as anxiety disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), can also contribute to a person experiencing dental anxiety.

Some psychological treatments, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, effectively reduce dental anxiety. In some cases, pharmacological therapies are needed in addition to psychotherapy. It may include nitrous oxide sedation or oral/IV sedation with benzodiazepines. These drugs help reduce the anxiety that is triggered by these situations.

Dental Implants

Dental implants replace missing tooth roots and provide a foundation for artificial teeth that look, feel and function like natural ones. They also prevent bone deterioration when teeth are missing and allow for better chewing.

A treatment plan is designed based on your specific needs. It may include a consultation with specialists in oral surgery and restorative dentistry, including a dentist specialising in treating the structures that support the teeth (periodontist), a dental surgeon placing implants, and a prosthodontist designing and fitting artificial teeth.

The plan may also include a review of your medical history. It will help determine if you have conditions that may interfere with healing and integration, such as diabetes, heart disease, long-term steroid use and specific cancer treatments. For more information about the Port Adelaide family dentist, click here.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are thin shells of tooth-like material that cover the front side of teeth to conceal imperfections. They can be made from porcelain or resin composite and are personalised to match the appearance of each person’s smile. They can be used to change teeth’ shape, colour, or size, close gaps between teeth or fill in chipped or broken teeth.

Before permanently cementing a veneer, your dentist will place it on your teeth and examine it for fit and colour, repeatedly removing and trimming it until the fit is perfect. They will then use a special cement that hardens quickly when exposed to a light beam.

Teeth Whitening

Bright, white teeth are a popular cosmetic treatment that boosts confidence and makes your smile look healthier. Many products are available to achieve this goal. Still, some are not well assessed for safety or have a high incidence of side effects, such as tooth sensitivity or gum irritation.

The most common method of teeth whitening involves professional bleaching. During this procedure, the dental team puts a gel or rubber shield over the gums to protect them, then applies a hydrogen peroxide-containing whitening product into clear plastic trays that fit over your teeth like mouthguards.

NDIS Physio Adelaide: NDIS Physio For Children Adelaide

The NDIS offers a variety of Capacity Building Supports to assist Participants in pursuing their goals. These include Support Coordination, Improved Living Arrangements, Increased Social and Community Participation, Finding and keeping a Job and Better Access to Health & and Wellbeing.

Maddie’s passion is working with infants and children. She has a caring and patient attitude and is a very much loved member of the Leapfrog family! For more information about the NDIS physio for children Adelaide, click here.

Leapfrog Physiotherapists

NDIS physio AdelaidePaediatric physiotherapy is vital to early intervention for babies and toddlers with disabilities. It helps them build strength and improves their ability to perform daily tasks, such as rolling over or sitting up. Physiotherapy can also help them develop critical milestones such as walking and running.

The NDIS can cover physiotherapy under the Improved Daily Living category or Capacity Building budget. However, discussing this with your GP or child and family health nurse before you make an appointment is essential.

Jasmine has 12 years of experience with Post Graduate qualifications in Paediatric Physiotherapy. She works closely with her clients to provide holistic treatment in a familiar environment. She enjoys the challenge of developing fun and innovative therapy sessions that motivate her clients and put a smile on their faces.

Leapfrog Hydrotherapists

Cindy is one of the most well-loved members of our team; she is known for her bright personality and ability to make therapy sessions fun. She is a master at creating motivating and challenging sessions around her clients’ interests and has completed her AustSwim Swim Teacher licence and specialist physiotherapy courses in aquatic therapy. For more information about the NDIS physio for children Adelaide, click here.

Jordan is an experienced senior paediatric physiotherapist who has worked with many children across South Australia with various conditions and diagnoses. She began her career at Novita Children’s Services, working closely with OTs, Speech Pathologists and Psychologists before moving to Child’s Play Physiotherapy and Aquatics, where she gained her hydrotherapy skills.

Leapfrog Physiotherapy provides land and hydrotherapy services to infants, children and young adults in their own homes, kindergarten, daycare or local playgrounds or pools. They collaborate, sharing goals and strategies with your child’s other service providers.

Leapfrog Occupational Therapists

Our Paediatric OTs work with children of all ages to help them perform daily activities that may be difficult due to sensory, social, behavioural, motor, or environmental difficulties. Our OTs will conduct a comprehensive assessment across multiple environments to identify goals and implement interventions.

Cara joined the Leapfrog family in 2018 and is loved by her clients for her kindness and thorough nature. She is particularly interested in hydrotherapy and has completed her Austswim swim teaching licence and specialist physiotherapy courses in aquatic therapy.

Our Occupational Therapists provide clinical assessment, consultation and equipment prescription throughout South Australia. Our OTs specialise in children and have extensive experience working with families to implement a child-centred approach. They will work closely with your child’s GP, teachers, and other healthcare professionals to ensure consistent input and coordination.

Leapfrog Speech Pathologists

Cindy joined the Leapfrog team in 2017 as a new grad and is well-loved by her clients for her fun and energetic therapy sessions. She is particularly interested in rehabilitation and disability, having completed her AustSwim teacher certification and gait and orthotic assessment training.

She has a particular interest in infant assessment and is known for her thorough approach to treatment. She loves working with the whole family to ensure a consistent and integrated service. For more information about the NDIS physio for children Adelaide, click here.

Gaby began her career at Novita Children’s Services before completing her Master of Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy at UniSA. She has worked with OTs, Speech Pathologists and Psychologists to provide comprehensive care for children of all ages. She also has experience in equipment prescription and school transfer planning.

Leapfrog Equipment Supplier

Leapfrog is a leading supplier of specialised equipment for children with disabilities. The equipment is designed to help them develop and learn the most fun and effective way. The kit can be purchased under the Improved Daily Living or Capacity Building budget and is often covered by the NDIS.

Podiatry Beverley: Find a Podiatrist to Treat Your Foot and Ankle Problems

Foot and ankle problems can affect your confidence and quality of life. A podiatrist can help you with a range of issues. You can find one in your area by searching online.

podiatry BeverleyPodiatrists have completed years of rigorous medical education, including a hospital-based residency. They can reset fractures and perform surgery. They can also prescribe medications to manage pain and inflammation. For more information about the foot pain podiatry Beverley, click here.

Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail is a common problem that can be painful. But when it’s infected, the pain can be intense and make activities difficult.

Home treatments can help, but you should see a doctor if your toenail is red and swollen and you have drainage. Your doctor or podiatrist can drain the pus (called paronychia) and remove part of the nail if necessary.

You can avoid ingrown toenails by cutting your nails straight across, not rounding the corners. You can also soak your feet in lukewarm water several times a day for 15 minutes or use a warm shower. You can add Epsom salts, which are soothing, to the soak if you like.

You can also prevent ingrown toenails by giving up tight, narrow shoes and replacing them with open-toed ones. And don’t pick at your toenails or try to remove them yourself. If you have diabetes, be especially careful with your feet and seek care immediately if you injure your toenail. For more information about the foot pain podiatry Beverley, click here.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition of the foot that affects the bottom of your foot and heel. It is caused by too much stress on your feet and can worsen after long periods of inactivity. You may experience stabbing pain when you first step on your foot in the morning or after sitting for a long time. This is because the plantar fascia shortens and tightens after a long period of inactivity.

The pain usually is more severe when you walk, stand, or run. You may develop plantar fasciitis because of a change in your lifestyle, such as increasing your running or walking workouts, spending more time on the job, and wearing shoes that don’t fit well or provide adequate support. Weight gain or sudden changes in body weight can also cause the condition.

Your podiatrist can diagnose the condition by examining your foot and the location of the pain. He may recommend a treatment plan including rest, ice packs, steroid injections, and shockwave therapy. He might also suggest you use a plantar fasciitis heel pad or insoles.

Heel Pain

Heel pain can be caused by various things, including changing activities, poor stretching, wearing poorly fitting shoes, staying on the feet for extended periods, and obesity. Thankfully, these conditions can be treated, and most do not need surgery.

Treatment options include anti-inflammatory medications, shoe recommendations, taping or strapping to support the foot and help put stressed muscles and tendons into a more physiologically restful position, physiotherapy or exercise and shockwave therapy to break up scar tissue. Occasionally, corticosteroid injections are also recommended in severe cases.

Usually, heel bruises and sprains will heal with rest, anti-inflammatory medication and icing the area of pain in 20-minute increments up to four times daily. For more severe conditions like heel spur, you may need a custom orthotic to provide extra support and prevent the foot from overpronation. In rare cases, surgery might be required. X-rays are often helpful in determining the best course of treatment. For more information about the foot pain podiatry Beverley, click here.

Ankle Pain

The ankle is the most vital part of your foot and has a lot of support from the bones, ligaments and muscles. But like any other body part, the ankle can get injured and feel pain. Your podiatrist can determine what’s causing your pain and create a treatment plan to help.

Your podiatrist will examine your foot and ankle for signs of pain, swelling or bruising. They may order diagnostic tests such as an X-ray, CT scan or MRI to create images of your feet’ bones and soft tissues.

Chiropractic, Dry Needling, Network Care and More

Chiropractic care Adelaide is a natural approach to healthcare that emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without drugs or surgery. It concentrates on the intimate relationship between structures (primarily the spine) and functions coordinated by the nervous system.


Life tensions can build up in your body and are often carried around as tight muscles and restricted joints. Chiropractors use gentle spinal adjustments to help reduce these tensions.


Dry Needling

Dry needling is a technique that is used to ease muscle pain and tension by targeting trigger points in the muscles. It involves inserting a solid filament needle into the power. It can be very helpful for those suffering from chronic back pain or neck pain. It can also help in treating sports injuries and fibromyalgia. Dry needling can be performed alone or in conjunction with other chiropractic treatments.


Dry Needling is a very safe procedure when performed by a trained chiropractor. However, minor adverse events may occur. These include bruising, bleeding at the needling site, and pain during treatment. Some patients might also experience a prolonged aggravation of symptoms after treatment. However, these events are rare and usually mild.


The benefits of dry needling can be immediate for some patients, but it takes multiple sessions to achieve optimal pain relief for others. It is because the muscle needs to be retrained to become more flexible. The procedure can be painful initially, but it is a very effective treatment for musculoskeletal problems.


You should try dry needling if your chiropractor believes it will benefit your condition. The best results can be achieved if you combine it with other therapies, such as manual spinal adjustments and massage therapy. In addition, you should also practice proper posture and exercise to prevent the recurrence of your pain.


Chiropractors are trained to use various techniques to identify mechanical dysfunction in the spine and other joints and body parts. They can adjust the spine to restore your body’s natural balance. They can also assess the movement of your joints and help you with stretches that will improve your range of motion. They can also teach you stretches and exercises that you can do at home.


Dr Laris has over 25 years of experience as a chiropractor. She has worked with athletes, including the Adelaide Crows, and helped women during pregnancy. She has a sports and nutrition background and post-graduate qualifications in pregnancy, paediatrics, and musculoskeletal acupuncture (dry needling). She uses the latest chiropractic care Adelaide techniques and ensures her clients get the best results possible.


K-Laser Treatment

This innovative therapy utilizes red and near-infrared light to assist the body’s cells with tissue regeneration. The light helps replenish cells deprived of oxygen, water and nutrients. It can help with pain management and increases mobility and flexibility. It can also help reduce muscle spasms, stiffness and inflammation. Many patients experience pain relief after just one session. The treatment is safe and non-invasive. It is often used in conjunction with other chiropractic techniques. Research has shown that the therapy improves overall patient satisfaction.


chiropractic care Adelaide
Health First Chiropractic offers low-level laser therapy (LLLT) as part of our chiropractic care Adelaide services. It is an excellent complement to chiropractic adjustments and has been shown to increase healing in soft tissue injuries and chronic conditions significantly.


The K-Laser light interacts with tissues at the cellular level by increasing blood flow, stimulating metabolic activity and drawing oxygen to the injured area. It creates an optimal healing environment and reduces inflammation, swelling, muscle spasm, stiffness and bruising. It can also increase the speed of recovery and decrease the number of treatments needed for chronic conditions.


K-Laser treatment is also helpful in reducing pain from nerve damage and neuropathy. It boosts the body’s natural supply of ATP, which helps nerves work properly. It also reduces nerve sensitivity by blocking pain signals from being sent to the brain. In addition, it promotes the production of high levels of endorphins and enkephalins to produce an analgesic effect.